Y’s Men International – Green Initiatives on Campus
HIET has initiated the Green campus programme at our college campus with the help of Y’s Men International on 10.11.18.

Library on Wheels
HIET will be initiated a library on wheels is underway. A healthy reading habit can transform a person and access to books and reading material

Visit of Australian Delegates
Australian Delegates along with Indians have visited the HIET campus on 30.1.18. The Principal and staff members welcomed

The earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs but not every man’s greed said Gandhiji. Hard facts on why energy conservation

Pongal Celebration-2018
Pongal is a harvest festival, a traditional occasion for giving thanks to nature. HIET has celebrated Pongal on 12th of January at Padappai campus

Republic Day Celebration
Republic Day celerbration in collaboration with Madras Y’s Man Club was held at HIET on 26th Janunary 2018.

Christmas Day Celebration
HIET has celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ in a grand manner on 30th December 2017 at our campus

Visit of School Students to HIET campus
The prospective school students of in and around village of Padappai often invited to visit our HIET campus.

Industrial Visit of Automobile Engineering Students
20 & 28th December, 2017 – students along with staff of Automobile Department have gone for a special Industry Visit to SRM workshop

On 13th February 2017 our beloved Founder chairman Late. Dr. K.C.G. Verghese memorial day ceremony was conducted at HIET, Padappai campus in a grand way.

Onam Teachers Day celebration
Onam/Teachers Day was celebrated at HIET Padappai on 12th September 2015. The programme was arranged at Good Shepherds Seminar Hall

Polytechnic First Year Induction Programme 2015-16
The induction programme was arranged at the open theatre, HIET Polytechnic College on 6th July’2015.